Gage - Coklat Garut Geulis

Nama Produk :
Gage - Coklat Garut Geulis
Garut Geulis Dengan Pilihan Varian :

  1. Dark Chocolate and Duren Cream Filling 
  2. Dark Chocolate and Strawberry Cream Filling  
  3. Dark Chocolate and Raspberry Cream Filling  
  4. Dark Chocolate and Blueberry Cream Filling  
  5. Dark Chocolate and Kopi Cream Filling  
  6. Dark Chocolate and Mango Cream Filling  
  7. Dark Chocolate and Pisang Cream Filling  
  8. Dark Chocolate and Apel Cream Filling  
  9. Dark Chocolate and Jeruk Cream Filling  
Berat : 70 Gram

Harga : Rp 20.000

Gage Kopi

Gage Strawberry

Gage Pisang
Gage Raspberry

Gega Mangga

Gage Duren

Gage Apel

Gage Blueberry

Gage Jeruk

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